Sunday, February 25

I found Jesus in Kmart!
I can't quite decide if this is blasphemous or not, but there is something a little wrong about paying $25 for Jesus. Yet, look at him, he is just so irresistible.

My search for Jesus started a few weeks ago when a friend's sister decided she wanted one of these Jesus dolls. We looked everywhere for one but to no avail. Then, just when I had given up hope of finding a Jesus doll, one seemed to find me for just as I turned the corner there was Jesus sitting on a shelf in Kmart.

The lady who sold me this doll at Kmart said that she had not sold many Jesus dolls. He is not that popular. I think the problem is that people - like my friends and I - are also looking in the wrong places. Sounds a bit like life really.

So I bought this Jesus doll and have passed it onto my friend's sister who is very happy to have finally found Jesus, and I am happy to have led her to him, but now I wonder what she will do with him.

We had a lot of fun with Jesus in the staff room at school. One of my collegues saw me holding Jesus and said, "Could you just hold him up over your head for a minute, I want to see Jesus lifted high." Of course, I obliged. Then when my friend placed Jesus under her desk we all exclaimed, "Hide him under a bushel? No!"

I'm sure if non-christians were treating a Jesus doll this way I wouldn't find it very amusing, yet here we were, in a christian school, making jokes about Jesus. Like one of my friends said: "It's like 'ha, ha!' and 'Oh, no!' all at once."

So my question is: What would you do with a Jesus doll?
Is anyone else thinking 'graven image,' or is this harmless?
I'm just not sure.


Blogger missmellifluous said...

Aw! Who am I kidding? I confess, I like him.

Sun Feb 25, 10:48:00 am 2007  
Blogger Beck said...

I think that he's sort of lovely. My minister has a Jesus action figure on her mantel - is holiness only confined to things of beauty?

Mon Feb 26, 12:54:00 am 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think its kinda cool. I've been seeing Jesus everywhere lately

Mon Feb 26, 02:19:00 pm 2007  
Blogger Radagast said...

I must say I'm thinking "graven image".

Mon Feb 26, 06:16:00 pm 2007  
Blogger Exile from GROGGS said...


I suppose I think it's a bit like buying a cuddly "Aslan" toy? As Mr Beaver might say, it's not as if he's tame. The danger with things like this is that our idea of Jesus becomes domesticated and cute - when although he came as a servant to lay down his life, he is also the person that God has appointed to rule over everybody, everywhere for ever at his right hand .....

Fri Mar 02, 04:45:00 am 2007  
Blogger missmellifluous said...

Great quote, Paul(probably - maybe liz). Iknow aht you mean: Jesus becomes soft like velour.

Fri Mar 02, 06:41:00 am 2007  

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